Pizza Base Recipe -
Here is complete step by step guidance on How to make Pizza Base Recipe at Home.
Ingredients of Pizza Base Making :
1. 400 Gm Flour.
2. Yeast.
3. Sugar.
4. Salt.
Preparation Of Homemade Pizza Base :
1. Take a medium Bowl. Add 2 Tbsp Yeast, 2 Tsp Sugar and 1 Tsp Salt on 400 gm Flour. Mix It very well. Add water and make a soft dough.
2. Now Dust Flour on Microwave tawa. After that spread the Pizza Dough on Microwave tawa and try to shape it up to 6 Inch. To 8 Inch. Now prick the Pizza dough surface with a fork.
3. Now keep this pizza base or pizza dough for half an hour to 1 hour in a dark place. After that preheat the microwave for 10 minutes. When Beeps, keep the pizza base tawa on low rack and press start.
4. Finally Bake it for 10 minutes.
Now Pizza Base or Pizza Dough is ready for making pizza. You can use it to make any type of Pizza. If you like this Pizza Base Making recipe then doesn’t forget to like it, Share it and must subscribe my YouTube channel to get regular new recipe updates.